
Character creation

4 bytes added, 13:35, 27 December 2019
For all of the reasons cited above, party sizes over 4 are not recommended at all, out of practicality concerns.
= Character concept =
The sections that follow will give you pointers on how to build and adapt your initial ideas into a proper character, and how to go from having an idea to being ready to play.
= Native or otherworlder? =
It is recommended that newcomers play as otherworlders, as they will be able to learn and discover more about the world of the Mazes at a natural pace - at the same time as you, for the simple reason that natives are assumed to have knowledge of the world in general that you may not have.
= Stats and species =
* '''Strength:''' A measure of the character's physical strength and capability, it is a percentage value, which serves as a straight multiplier to the amount of damage this character will deal when using melee weapons or attacks. Naturally, higher is better.
* '''Agility:''' A measure of the character's ability to move quickly. Agility is a numerical value ranging between -4 and +4, by default +0. It is applied as a modifier to certain checks. Higher is better.
= Playable species =
Bureaucrat, administrator