
Character creation

359 bytes added, 10:47, 24 September 2019
/* Youkai */
Racial traits:
* Extra natural attacks: Bites, Claws, Energy Blast (ranged magic, energy ball)
* AbilitySkills: SavageStarts with 10 SP in Hunting (Lv2 - Basic). For every creature * Abilities: Natural Hunter and Savage Mode** Natural Hunter: Kasha claws count as natural Butchering-capable weapons, as a kasha killspassive bonus.** Savage Mode: Kasha can, they instantly heal 4at will, give themselves +10.0% Pain Stress in exchange for +40% Strength and 0-40% Pain Sensitivity for 20 turns.2 BloodIf Savage Mode is already active, Kasha can activate the ability again to extend the remaining duration by another 20 turns.
* Base stats: C3 Armor Class, Base limb health 48, Max Blood 14, Pain Sensitivity 146%
* Extra limbs: 1 tail (LIMB group)
Bureaucrat, administrator