
Character creation

3 bytes removed, 18:26, 15 May 2019
/* Party size considerations */
= Party size considerations =
It is possible to play MazeWorld with as little as two people, with one person being the GM and the other playing a PC. In fact, for most of the years this game has existed, and for reasons largely related to time zone constraints between the author and his players, it has been called a "one-player game". Although it lends itself to greater flexibility and a more single-person focused customized and tailored adventure, in the style and vein of single-player roleplaying video games, this is not typical of tabletop RPGs, which typically have parties of two to four players.
As such, one of the first questions you need to ask yourselves is this: "How many PCs will there be in the party? Will there be one? Two? Three? Four?"
Bureaucrat, administrator