

114 bytes added, 17:10, 23 July 2020
Medics are in charge of operating and managing a town's [[hospital]] and its staff of [[nurse|nurses]], effectively acting as the chief medical officer of a given town. They are also qualified to provide advanced medical care to patients, such as surgeries and other operations beyond the scope of first aid. This huge responsibility often makes them one of the most important and respected inhabitants of a given town.
To become a medic, one must have had a certain amount of work experience working as a nurse to be considered eligible for succession; typically, nurses with less than 6 years are not considered, and those with 8 years or more get higher priority. Medics generally select one successor a few years before retirement, personally training them and providing them with the requisite advanced medical skills. Once the training is complete, the current medic typically organizes a ''farewell and succession party'', during which the management of the hospital is officially transferred to the designated successor. After the party has ended, the previous medic officially leaves the profession, while the successor officially begins their first day of work as a newly-minted medic.
Bureaucrat, administrator