
Character creation

1 byte removed, 19:58, 15 May 2019
/* Squamata halflings */
=== Squamata halflings ===
Squamata halflings (''Homo sapiens ex squamata'') are known for their "snake eyes", their lack of visible ears, a long snake- or lizard-like tail, and the almost complete absence of hair, save for the head - which takes longer to grow than in average humans. The bodies of squamata halflings are famous for developing soft scales instead of bodily hair, though they are largely useless for protection; they are not hard or thick enough to block much more than light scratches. This, in conjunction to having, on average, a less well-developed muscular structure than humans, contributes to their low pain tolerance relative weakness - they are simply not capable ot taking as much damage as regular humans. What they do possess in turn, are long, thin, foldable upper fangs, as well as venom sacs. When these fangs are deployed and used to bite something, an involuntary reflex causes them to release a bit of that venom - resulting in the so-called "snakebite" attack. Perhaps ironically, however, Squamata halflings do not have poison resistance, not even to their own poison; as such their snakebite attack is used to kill or hurt opponents rather than for hunting and subsistence. Squamata halflings have a strong preference for meat, and because of the particularities regarding their hair, a squamata halfling with long hair is often seen as a synonym of age and wisdom. They are often stereotyped as intelligent and cunning, but also deceitful and manipulative.
Natural stats:
* Base limb health value: 7056* Pain sensitivity: 120100%
* Max Blood: 20.0 units
* Armor Class: C1
Bureaucrat, administrator