
Mercenary Agency In the Mazes

21 bytes added, 17:15, 3 August 2020
The '''Mercenary Agency In the Mazes''', better known as '''MAIM''' is a minor faction in the Mazes. They are an organization serving as a means of communication between skilled mercenaries seeking work, and reliable customers seeking skilled personnel.
MAIM was founded in 674 by three veteran mercenaries with extensive independent careers; Jackie "Raider" Mullen (a male [[human]]), Thomas "Viper" Hawkins (a male [[feline halfling]]), and Kazuki "Stream" Shirakawa (a male [[tengu]]). Raider's vision was to create an the first agency that of its kind, which would regroup the best mercenaries and hired guns in the world under one banner so that they could provide the best personnel to the highest-paying customers. The three men pooled their resources and founded the Agency, in search of the best merc talent of the Mazes.
MAIM is known for its wide selection of available personnel, from all sorts of backgrounds and with all kinds of skills. They are also credited for the creation of the ''mercenary's moral code'', which stipulates that mercs should be loyal to the money first, and to their employers second. Officially, MAIM does not take positions and actively refuses all affiliations or coalitions with other groups and interests.
Bureaucrat, administrator