
Character creation

44 bytes added, 10:15, 13 July 2020
/* Yousei */
Yousei (Youkai: '''妖精''', literally "Fairy"), also informally known as "fairies", are a species of small, winged youkai, famous for their small stature, elaborate wings, and unfortunate tendency to die quickly and easily. On average, they have the emotional and intellectual maturity of a 10-year-old human child, are extremely weak and easy to kill, and overall do not seem to fulfill any significant purposes other than menial tasks and other simple jobs. As such, many yousei are found as maids and waiters, or as cleaning staff.
The mythological figure responsible for their creation, Daikyuusei Ou-no-kyuu ('''大九精大の九''', literally lit. "Big nine fairy"), is said to have slacked off on the day she was supposed to give yousei their abilities and therefore their purpose in life; so yousei ended up having no special talents or capabilities. The same legends say that one day, one of the yousei will become the ''Strongest One (of All Fairies'''最強人''最強の妖精''', saikyoujinsaikyou no yousei, lit. "The strongest fairy"), unlocking vast powers and potential, and that their destiny is to unlock the latent powers of all other yousei, and finally lead them all to a destiny of greatness. Or so they say.
Racial traits:
Bureaucrat, administrator