
Lightning bird

1 byte removed, 00:52, 23 May 2020
Lightning birds live and reproduce naturally in the Mazes, like most other creatures. Their eggs are pearly-white, and lightning bird chicks are completely black in color, save for white eyes and beaks. Dissective analysis revealed no particular organ or chemical element that would explain their ability to generate and use lightning, which has led specialists to suggest that these creatures are simply capable of a limited form of elemental spellcasting, which they use to great effect to ward off enemies and predators.
The lightning bird's ''Stun peck'' abilityattack, which allows them to stun a creature using a combination of a peck attack and directed electrical energy, has led to nicknames such as "[[Taser]] bird" or "Stun chick", usually in a derogatory manner.
Lightning birds are utterly stubborn and fearless, and will fight rather than let other creatures turn it into another direction. There are many telltale signs to the passage of a lightning bird, such as scorch marks all over the ground or the walls, as well as burned remains of thundershocked critters. They are more than capable of zapping people to death, and they are absolutely not afraid of gunfire; so if you ever find yourself facing one, do not show fear or hesitation and either run away, or end it before it ends you!
Bureaucrat, administrator