
Giant rat

178 bytes added, 03:52, 17 January 2023
Despite being much bigger than their regular cousins, giant rats are just as wary of conflict, and prefer to escape dangerous situations over fighting. While their bites and claws can cause nasty wounds if allowed to connect, they rarely, if ever, use them, instead using their excellent natural agility to get out of sticky situations and crawl through the tightest corners.
Although giant rats are stereotyped in fiction as a common enemy for low-leveled adventurers, they are often pointless targets in the Mazes, as they are neither dangerous nor valuable for meat. However, they are fairly intelligent creatures that can become trusting of sapients who feed them or treat them with kindness. Many individuals have adopted giant rats as pets, and the individuals that did become pets are considered to be loyal and affectionate creatures by their owners. They also have the advantage of requiring relatively little maintenance- they are omnivorous and capable of digesting just about any type of human food, even the most processed kinds.
Bureaucrat, administrator